VivTown, Population: 1

text, images, poetry, miscellany, marginalia

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tell Me A Story

Tell Me a Story
by Robert Penn Warren
[ A ]

Long ago, in Kentucky, I, a boy, stood
By a dirt road, in first dark, and heard
The great geese hoot northward.

I could not see them, there being no moon
And the stars sparse.  I heard them.

I did not know what was happening in my heart.

It was the season before the elderberry blooms,
Therefore they were going north.

The sound was passing northward.


[ B ]

Tell me a story.

In this century, and moment, of mania,
Tell me a story.

Make it a story of great distances, and starlight.

The name of the story will be Time,
But you must not pronounce its name.

Tell me a story of deep delight.
posted by viv at 7:51 am  


  1. Ahh…it who shall not be named. I look forward to what you’ll turn up next.

    Comment by Sharyn — April 6, 2011 @ 1:24 pm

  2. 🙂

    Comment by Viv — April 6, 2011 @ 4:40 pm

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